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Click- Clack, Homage to the Slide Projector

The Art Gallery, Haifa University

Curators: Ruti Director and  Dani Yahav Brown

Anna Yam


Anna Yam's photographs seem to have been created as a- priori "scorched at the edge", or as non- "distinctive"/ The visibility of both the photographs and the objects is drawn from a world of corners, of drawers, of dust that has cumulated on a high shelf. The margins dictate the dynamics. The "protagonists", even in center frame, always seem to have been caught by the camera's lens against their will, and now all they want is to return to the corners from which they came, to continue cumulating dust, to be part of the "poetics of space". The transition from still photography to a slide show enables Yam to shift the initiative for the rummaging and exposure from herself to the spectator. No longer a body of work that operates on the spatial axit, but rather one that operates on the temporal axit, asking the viewer to take his time, to pass through the projected images at his own pace, to move forward or back, to "remove the dust" from some of them or promptly move on the next. The situation of a single slide intimately projects each time, and its disappearance in favor of another, enables the images, as well as the viewer, to transpire in the margins .

Dany Yahav- Brown

The Art Gallery, University of Haifa


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